Recommended reading list (extended): inner development, psychology, economics, history, gardening, civilization, sexology, agriculture, esotericism, health, and more.
Spirituality/Philosophy/Consciousness/Inner development
Title - Author
The Albigen Papers - Richard Rose (and his other books)
Spiritual Enlightenment: the damnedest thing – Jed Mckenna (and his other books, enlightenment trilogy, the dreamstate triology and the jed talks trilogy)
Mud And water – A collection of talks by the Zen master Bassui
The conquest of illusion – J. J. Van der Leeuw
The zen teachings of Huang Po: on transmission of mind – John Blofield
Electrical Chrisitanity: L Ron gardner (have a look at his exceptional recommended reading list)
I am that – Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Skeletons – Ikkyu
Sri Ramana Gita - Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi
Meditations – Marcus Aurelius
On the taboo against knowing who you are – Alan Watts (and his other books)
Bernado Kastrup – many books
Kapil Gupta – many books
Stranger in a strange land - Heinlein
Collected works - Ramana Maharshi
Courage - Osho
Mind is a myth - U.G Krishnamurti
Bhagavad Gita - Eknath Easwaran
Hua Hu Ching - Lao Tzu
Tao te Ching - Lao Tzu
Nothing ever happened - David Godman.
Wake up and roar - H. W. L. Poonja
The book of life - Jiddhu Krishnamurti (and his other books)
The ultimate medicine - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
The Ultimate Understanding - Ramesh S. Balsekar
Confusion No More - Ramesh S. Balsekar
Prinicipal Upanishads - Comments by Shankara
Siddartha - Herman Hesse
The essential Rumi - Jelaluddin Rumi
Sein und Zeit Martin - Heidegger
Awakening to the dream - Leo Hartong
Never Mind - Wayne Liquorman (Ram Tzu)
Ethica - Spinoza
The Science of Self Realization - A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Pabhupada
The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran
Dewdrops on a lotus leaf - Ryokan
Walden - Henry David Thoreau
Power vs. Force - David R. Hawkins (and other books)
Tomorrow's God - Neale Donald Walsch
Biology of Belief - Bruce H. Lipton
Self Reliance - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Unbearable lightness of Being - Milan Kundera
Care of the soul - Thomas Moore
Autobiography of a yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda
The essential Gnostic gospels - Alan Jacobs
Living without a head - Douglas E. Harding
Light on Life - Iyengar, B.
Vitality, Energy, Spirit - Thomas Cleary (and his other books)
Unlocking the Zen Koan: A New Translation of the Zen Classic Wumenguan - Thomas Cleary
A course in miracles - Helen Schuman
The way to love - Anthony de Mello (and his other books)
Writings of:
Sri Aurobindo Hymns of the mystic fire
David Frawley
Ganapati Muni
Wei Wei Wu
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Walt Whitman
Works of:
Huang Po
Lung-Gom-Pa runners from Tibet
Tendai Marathon Monks
Marathon Monks of Mount Hiei
Zen koans
The blue cliff records Zen Koans
Book of equanimity Zen koans
The gateless gate (Wumenguan) Zen koans
The true Dharma eye - Zen koan
Sand and pebbles - Zen Koans
Thich Nhat Hanh - Many books
I Ching The book of changes and the unchanging truth
Teachings of the yellow emperor (Huangdi Yinfujing) - Four scriptures of the yellow emperor
Yellow Emperor Inner Canon (Huangdi Neijing)
Guanzi ; by Guan Zhong - master Guan
Feng Shui interior design - Eva Wong
Steel this book - Abbey Hoffman
Agora Robert - Svoboda
Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot
World as lover, world as self - Joanna Macy
The Tao of Physics - Fritjof Capa
Ageless body,Timeless Mind - Deepak Chopra
Magic and Mystery in Tibet - Alexandra David Neel
Response in the living and non-living - Jagadis Bose
Philosophy of Freedom - Rudolf Steiner
The Phenomenon of man - Pierre Teilhard de Jardin
The Ultimate Journey - Robert Monroe (Conscioussness, out of body excursions)
Realities of the Dreaming Mind: The Practice of Dream Yoga - Swami Sivananda Radha
Possession Demonicacal and other - Oesterreich, T.K
The Rainbow body and Resurrection - Francis Tiso
Lost secrets of immortality - Barclay Powers
The flavour of liberation, vol 1,2,3 - Burgs
Beyond the veil - Burgs
Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha: An Unusually Hardcore Dharma Book: Daniel M Ingram
The Future of the body (a massive historical and cross-cultural collection of documentation of various occurrences of extraordinary human functioning such as healing, hypnosis, martial arts, yogic techniques, telepathy, clairvoyance, and feats of superhuman strength) - Michael Murphy
The body electric - Robert O. Becker
A new science of life: The hypothesis of Formative Causation – Rupert Sheldrake Morphogenetic fields, all-pervasisve fields unbounded by time or space.
Margins of reality: the role of consciousness in the physical world - Robert G. Jahn
The secret doctrine H.P. Blavatsky
Isis Unveiled: Secret of the Ancient Wisdom Tradition - Madame Blavatsky's
Occult Chemistry - Beasant and Leadbeater
The invisible influences: Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinshki
Peat New Pathways: Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinshki (and his other works)
Clearing entities: Frederick Dodson
Entity possession: Freeing the Energy body of negative influences: Samuel Sagan, M.D
You can heal anyone: Frederick Dodson (and his other books)
Geopolitics/Global history
The grand chessboard - Zbignew Brevinsky
The Silk Roads - Peter Frankopan
In the shadows of the american century _ Alfred W. McCoy
Asia´s reckoning - Richard McGregor
The politics of heroin - Alfred W. McCoy
Wolfszeit - Harold Jahner
Red notice - Bill Browder
Lessons of history - Durant
The rational optimist - Matt Ridley (and his other books)
Ascent of humanity - Charles Eisenstein (and his other books)
Critical path - Buckminster Fuller
The Hope: A guide to Sacred activism -Andrew Harvey
Ishmael - Daniel Quinn
The Story of B - Daniel Quinn
The great disruption - Paul Gilding
World on the edge - Lester R. Brown
Plan B 4.0 - Lester R. Brown
The third industrial revolution -Jeremy Rifkin
Randall Munroe - The thing explainer
Endgame 1 and 2 - Derek Jensen
The Value of Nothing - Raj Patel
The 48 laws of power - Robert Greene
Phenomena: The Secret History of the U.S. Government's Investigations into Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis - Annie Jacobson
Awakening healing Energy through the Tao -Mantak Chia (also all his other 70 books)
Secrets of Self Healing - Dr. Maoshing Ni
Secrets of Longevity - Dr. Maoshing Ni
Su Nu Ching - Chinese Medical Taoist Text
The book of balance and harmony - Hua-ching Ni Taoist teacher
Qigong Teachings of a Taoist Immortal: The Eight Essential Exercises of Master Li Ching-Yun - Stuart Alve Olson
Sexology/Sexual energy/Celibacy
The sex connection - Alan Fitzpatrick
Taoist Secrets of love - Mantak Chia
Healing love through the tao - Mantak chia
A history of celibacy - Elizabeth Abbott
The tao of sexology - the book of infinite wisdom - Wang
The multi-orgasmic Man - Mantak Chia
The multi-orgasmic Woman - Mantak Chia
The multi-orgasmic couple - Mantak Chia
The Red Queen: Sex and the evolution of human nature - Matt Ridley
Native American Indians
Bury my heart at wounded knee - Dee Brown
Shamanism - Piers Vitebsky
The way of the Shaman - Harner
Teachings of Don Juan - Carlos Casteneda
A pattern language - Christopher Alexander
The Nature of Order - Christopher Alexander
Cradle to Cradle - William McDonough & Michael Braungart
In the Bubble John - Thackara
Lucid Dreaming
Alles over dromen - Victor Schoenmaker (Dutch Book)
The Tibetan Yogas of dreams
Life and how to survive it - Robin Skynner, John Cleese
Family and how to survive them - Robin Skynner, John Cleese
Psychology/Mental constructs
Games people play - E. Berne
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds - Charles Mackay
Adam Grant - Originals
Skin in the game - Nassim Taleb (and his other books)
Nonviolent communication - Marshell B Rosenberg
Economics/Alternative Economics/Business
Sacred Economics - Charles Eisenstein
Economyths (ten ways that economics gets it wrong) - David Orrell
The ecology of Commerce - Paul Hawken
Confessions of an economic hitman - John Perkins
The Future of money - Bernard Lietaer
The big reset - Willem middelkoop (and his other books)
How Asia works - Joe studwell
Business Adventures - John Brooks
When money dies - Adam Fergusson
The bitcoin standard & fiat standard - Saifedean Ammous
Transformational Weightloss - Charles Eisenstein
The instinct to heal - David Servan Schreiber
Anti-Cancer - David Servan Schreiber
Healing the Gerson way - C. Gerson
The China study - Colin Campbell
Why zebra’s do not get ulcers - Robert Sapolsky
The end of food - Paul Roberts
Diet for a small planet - Frances Moore Lappé
Hope’s edge - Frances Moore Lappé
You Are What You Eat - Gillian McKeith
The New Optimum Nutrition Bible - Patrick Holford
Healthy At 100 - John Robbins
Health Wars - Philip Day
The sunfood diet - David Wolfe (and other books)
50 secrets of the world’s longest living people - Sally Beare
Sprouts, the miracle food - Steve meyerowitz
Green for life - Fictoria Boutenko
The complete book of Raw food - Julie Rodwell
Raw Food Controversies - Frederic Patenaude
The Anti-aging Plan - Roy L. Walford
Your body’s many cries for water - F. Batmanghelidj
Wild fermentation, the flavor, nutrition and craft of live culture foods - Fallon,Katz
Siesta and the Midnight Sun: How our bodies experience time - Jessa Gamble
Confessions of a medial heretic: Robert S. Mendelsohn
Primary perception : Biocommunication with plants, living foods, and human cells - Cleve Backster
Response in the living and non-living Jagadis - Chandra Bose
Victor Schauberger collection
Tuning into nature - P. Callahan
The secret life of plants - Peter Tompkins Christopher Bird.
The secret life of nature - Peter Tompkins
The secret teaching of plants - Stephen Buhner
Perelandra Garden Workbook: A Complete Guide to Gardening with Nature Intelligences - Machaelle Small- Wright
Permaculture A Designers' manuel - Bill Mollison
The earth care manual - Patrick Whitefield
The agro rebel - Sepp Holzer
Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture - Sepp Holzer
Gaia’s Garden, a guide to home scale permaculture - Toby Hemenway
Another kind of garden (compost heating system) - Jean Pain
Alternative agricultural strategies
Secrets of the soil - Peter Tompkins
Sea Energy Agriculture - Maynard Murray
Gardening for life – The biodynamic way Maria Thun
Agriculture Course: The Birth of the Biodynamic Method - Rudolf Steiner
One Straw Revolution - Masanobu Fukuoka
A natural way of farming - Masanobu Fukuoka
Fertility from the ocean deep - Charles Walters
Bread from stones - Julius Hensel
Eco-farm - Charles Walters
The non-toxic farming handbook - Philip Wheeler
Encyclopedia of organic gardening –
The henry Doubleday Research association - Editor in chief Pauline Pears.
American Horticultural Society's A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants
Rodale’s illustared encylopedia of perennials - Ellen Philips
Perennial Vegetables - Eric Toensmeier
The new complete book of self-sufficiency - John Seymour
The complete book of raising livestock and poultry - Katie Tear and Dr. Alistair Fraser
Plants for a future - Ken Fern
Roots Demystified - Robert Kourik
The weather resilient Garden - Charles Smith
Planting green roofs and living walls - Nigel Dunnet
Bob Flowerdew’s complete fruit book -Bob Flowerdew’s
How to grow winter vegetables - Charles Dowding
Practical Self-sufficiency - Dick and James Strawbridge
Plant Pathology - George Nicohlas Agrios
The illustrated herbal - Philippa Back
Fruits and Vegetables from seed - Richard Goerer
How to make your own drugs? - James wong
Small Green Roofs - Nigel Dunnet
Edible Flower Garden - Rosalind Creasy
The vegetable garden (1880) - M.M. Vilmorin-Andrieux
Breed your own vegetable varieties - Carol Deppe
Weeds and what they tell us - Ehrenfried Pfeiffer
Weeds: control without poisons - Charles Walters
Farmers of Forty Centuries - F. H. King
Soil grass and cancer - Andre Voisin
The Dirty Life: On Farming, Food, and Love - Kirstin Kimball
Forest Garden
Creating a forest garden - Martin Crawford
Edible Forest Gardens - Eric Toensmeier/Dave Jack
Tree Crops: A permanent Agriculture - J. Russel Smith
Agroecology - Miguel Altieri
Forest Gardening - Robert Hart
Temperate Agroforestry systems - A. G. Gordon
Agroforesty for soil management -Anothony Young
The Woodland Way - Ben Law
How to make a forest - Garden Patrick Whitefield
Designing and maintaining your edible landscape naturally - Robert Kourik
Complete book of Edible Landscaping - Rosalind Creasy
Mushrooms/Wild Food
Wild Food - Roger Phillips
Mushrooms - Roger Phillips
Mycelium Running: How mushrooms can save the world - Paul Stamets
Natural Beekeeping - Ross Conrad
Keeping Bees, a complete practical guide - Paul Peacock
Water Gardens
Plants for Water gardens - Helen Nash
Low-Maintenance Water Gardens -Helen Nash
How to change your mind - Michael Pollan (and all his other books)
The cosmic serpent - Jeremy Narby
Food of the gods - Terrance Mckenna
Calvin & Hobbes
Mr Nice - Howard Markes
Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson
Guust flater (Belgian cartoon in dutch)
Kuifje (Belgian cartoon, also called TinTin)
xkcd - Randall Munroe (and other books)