Recommended documentaries, movies, series
Website with lots of documentaries:
Climate Change
Vandana Shiva in Totnnes
11th hour
An inconvenient truth
Story of cap and trade
Ecoplaza Paradise
Global Change 2009
Our local Future
Six Degrees Could Change the world
The great global Warming Swindle
The Gulf stream and the next ice age
Lama’s project
The greatest movie ever sold
BBC Documentary – Stupidity
Consuming Kids
Store Wars
Ted - Trash
Story of stuff
Story of bottled water
Story of carbon trading
Story of cosmetics
Story of electronics
Story of citizens united vs FEC
Surplus – Terrorized into being Consumers
Democratic Education
What would jesus buy
Gonzo – The life and work of Dr Hunter S. Thompson
If Drugs Were legal – BBC
Black tar heroin
Damage done. The drug war odessey
Illegal drugs 1,2,3,4
LSD – the beyond within
LSD Millionaires Operation Julie
LSD Trip or Trap
Square Grouper
Margin Call
The big hort
Capitalism – a love story
Inside Job
Meltdown – The secret history of the global financial collapse
The money masters
Crash Course
Let’s make money
Life and debt
Money as debt
Money as debt 2: Promises Unleashed
The essence of money, a Medieval Tale
The Spirit of Money
Food, Permaculture, Gardening, Sustainability, Animals, Garden Series
Agroforestry (Alleycropping, Forest Farming, Riparian Buffers, Silvopasture, Windbreaks)
A year in a forest Garden with Martin Crawford
Barefoot College
eSquared – Sustainable Design
Flow for the love of water
Geoff Lawton – Soils 2010
Grand Designs series
Grow your own drugs series
Growing mushrooms
How to be a gardener Series
It’s not easy being green Series
Killer at large – obesity movie
Living in the future series – lamas project
Planet Mechanics
Ray Mears – Bushcraft and Survival series
River Cottage Series
Seed Balls
Supersize me
Tarananki Videos
The Season Series
Victorian Farm Series
30 year old food forest
300 year old food forest
2000 year old food forest
A Farm for the future
All in this tea
Ancient Futures – learning from ladakh
Bill Mollison – Global Gardener 1 – In the tropics
Bill Mollison – Global Gardener 2 – Dry lands
Bill Mollison – Global Gardener 3 – Cool climates
Bill Mollison – Global Gardener 4 - Urban
Bill Mollison – In grave Danger of falling food
Bill Mollison – Small solutions to enormously large problems
Compost Heated Shower
David HOlgren – Beyond Sustainability
Dennis Weavers Earthships
Dirt the movie
Emilia Hazelip – Synergisitc Garden
Ensuring the future of food
Food Inc.
Food Matters
Forks over Knives
Garbage Warrior
Gardening Australia
Gardens of Destiny with Dan Jason
Geoff Lawton – Establishing a Food Forest the Permaculture way
Geoff Lawton – Greening the Desert 1 and 2
Geoff Lawton – Harvesting Water the Permaculture Way
Geoff Lawton – Introduction to Permaculture
How to save the world
King Corn
Meat the truth
L’homme quip lantait des arbres – The man who planted trees
Non Conventional Homes
Paul Stamets – LOHAS 2006 – The Mysteries of Mycology
People Power – Food Shortages, Biofuels
Permaculture and Peak Oil 0 beyond sustainability (inverview with david holgrem)
Permaculture in Practice
Permaculture Robers Hart – Forest Gardening
Polyface farm 1,2
Satoyama, Japanese Secret Watergarden
Sea the truth
Sepp Holzer – Aquaculture
Sepp Holzer – Farming with Nature
Sepp Holzer – Farming with Terraces and raised beds
Sepp Holzer – Permaculture in Alpine Region
Simply Raw – Reversing diabetes in 30 days
Solving all problems - permaculture
Terra Madre
The future of food
The genius of Design
The real dirt on farmer John
The world according to Monsanto
The Cove – Japanese dolphin killing
The Garden 2008
Unsert Taeglich Brot
We Feed the World
Wild fermentation workshop
French Documentaries
Voyage au Congo 1926 Marc Allegret
Alerte a babylone
Batir en bottes de paille
Dieudonne j’ai fais L con 2009
Jean Rouch – Moi un noir (1959)
L’Afrique en morceaux
L’assassinat de Patrice
Health, Brain
Lake of Fire
The boy with the incredible brain
The living matrix
The medicated child
Conrol room
Fuck the corporate media
Nature, Universe, Non-Verbal
BBC – Life in Cold Blood
BBC – Space Odyssey – Voyage to the plantes
BBC Galapagos Series
BBC Life - series
BBC Natural World
BBC Planet Earth 1,2
BBC Our planet
BBC The blue planet
BBC The planets
Encounters at the end of the world
National geographic great migrations
Wonders of the solar system
Fascinating Nature
Winged Migration
The secret of the seven sisters
Energy Fundamentals
A Crude Awakening
A world without oil
Blind spot
Crude ABC
Crude Impact
Earth 2100
Energy Crossroads – a burning need to change course
Escape from suburbia – beyond the American dream
How Cuba survived peak oil
In Transition
No impact Man
Peak Oil – Ian Crane
Peak Oil – Imposed by Nature
Peak oil ride the slide
Tar wars (2009) BBC
The End of Suburbia – Oil Depletion and the end of American empire
The Era of Post Carbon Transition
The great squeeze
Richard Heinberg presentation – Peak Everything
Uranium int.
Uranium dreaming
Adam Curtis Collection (Pandora’s Box, The living Dead, The Mayfair set, the century of self, the power of nightmares, the trap, it felt like a kiss, all watched over by machines of loving grace)
Democratic Education
Guns, Germs and steel
Iraq for sale the War profiteers
Lose Change Final Cut
Nanking Nanking
Taking Liberties Since 1997
Wake up call
Who killed the electric car
Ashes and Snow
Born into Brothels
Bowling for Columbine
Cheney’s law
Dark Days
Darwin’s Nightmare
Darwin’s Nightmare Director Interview
Desire Rover – Vaccinations, Weapons of Mass Destruction
Enron – The Smartest Guys in the Room
Fahrenheit 911
Flying the Flag Arming the World
Freedom to Fascism
Inside Burma
John Pilger – Obama and Empire
Katanga – The Untold sotry of un betrayal
Les Milliards d’Elf
Louder than Words – the 911 story
Manufactured Landscapes
Manufacturing Consent
Noams Chomsky – Distorted Morality
Sauper Rwanda
Sex Slaves
Sex Trade
The corporation
The Fellowship of the rings of free trade
The Fog of War
The Freedom of Choice
The Heart has its reasons
The new rulers of the world
The obama deception
The revolution will not be televised
The shock doctrine
The yes men fix the world
The war on democracy
Wake up bennys movie
War by other means
War photographer
What a way to go – life at the end of empire
What would it look like
Why we fight
Zeitgeist Addendum
Zeitgeist Moving Forward
Zeitgeist Moving Forward Press Conference
Zeitgeist Movement Orientation Presentation
Peter Joseph – Social Pathology lecture
"Who is Peter Joseph?" Full Version - A Mini-Doc by Charles Robinson
Eckhart Tolle – Touching the eternal and flowering of human consciousness
Adyashanti – awake in the modern world
Mantak Chia – Taoist Yoga Esoteric Series
Osho - Meditations
The Root of all evil – the God delusion/ the virus of faith
Esoteric Agenda
For the bible tells me so
Jesus Camp
Prisoners of a white god
What the bleep do we know?
The spirit molecule (DMT)
lots of documentaries (most in Dutch):
Recommended movies:
la belle verte (the beautiful green).
the perfect sense
scent of a woman
coud atlas
das leben der anderen
shutter island
vanilla sky
the matrix trilogy
the graduate
the perfect sense
being there
dark city
tomorrow land
ready player one
matchstick man
margin call
the big short
joe vs the volcano
being there
Recommended series:
mr. robot